White paper: Intelligent & Connected Vehicles Roadmaps: A Worldwide Perspective

Diverse roadmaps on Intelligent & Connected Vehicles have been released in recent years from different countries and regions, led by respective industry organisations as well as governments, playing a crucial role in the alignment among all sectors.
The International Communication and Cooperation Committee of ICV Roadmaps, co-chaired by the CCAM Partnership Chair Armin Graeter, published now the “White paper: ICV Roadmaps: A Worldwide Perspective“. The white paper outlines the main contents of these diverse ICV roadmaps, drawing on input from the corresponding committee members. This paper then synthesizes the expected conclusions and respective characteristics among them, and the best practices of the roadmaps, with excellent insights provided throughout by the participants.
The white paper was released during the International Communication and Cooperation Committee of ICV Roadmaps Workshop on 5 May in Brussels.