Welcome to new faces in the CCAM team!

New CCAM Association Representatives

As we conclude the year with our last General Assembly for 2024, we would like to welcome new CCAM Association representatives:

  • Christian Weigand from Continental is our new CCAM Association Vice-Chair to the Administration Board, succeeding Christian Scharnhorst. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Christian for his outstanding service over the past 2 years.

Christoph Weigand Continental as new vice chair

  • New representatives to the CCAM Partnership Delegation:
    • Public Transport Operators: Gilles Tauzin, RATP
    • Platform or cluster at national or regional level: Mauro Dell’Amico, ICOOR, Italy
    • Universities: Claudio Roncoli, KU Leuven

New CCAM Delegations Representatives

We are also thrilled to welcome new members to the CCAM Association!

New members to CCAM Association - logos

Welcome to everyone who joins us on this extraordinary journey of connected mobility.