SUNRISE Expert Platform is live!

The SUNRISE project has just launched the SUNRISE Expert Platform to create a standard Safety Assurance Framework for Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) systems.
This platform aims to connect stakeholders interested in CCAM safety assurance. It offers several benefits, including the opportunity to shape a European CCAM safety framework, network with industry leaders, gain competitive advantages, and access various tools and resources.
Joining the platform is simple and takes only five minutes, providing the chance to influence the future of CCAM safety for the next two decades.
Based on your interests and possibilities, you can decide how much time you wish to invest in the SUNRISE Expert Platform. There is no minimum! Moreover, the topics discussed will not necessarily be related to SUNRISE only but will touch on CCAM safety from different perspectives.
Learn more and register here:
To join the SUNRISE Expert Platform, go to our Expert Platform webpage to check all the details of our invitation. From there, you can register as an Expert Platform member and create your account on the SUNRISE Cooperation Platform.
If you want to know about the SUNRISE project, visit our project database. A fully dedicated page on the project is available.