ROADVIEW Webinar 27/03: Robust Perception of AVs

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Interested in Autonomous vehicles in bad weather conditions?

Join ROADVIEW on its webinar, on 27 March 2025 from 10:00 to 11:30, gathering a diverse panel of global experts in automated mobility to explore the latest advancements, critical success factors, and challenges in AV perception under adverse weather conditions.

The webinar will focus on the question of AV’s robustness against environmental artifacts, the measurement tools of road grip & surface condition, and the high-definition mapping method for real-time positioning AVs on the map. It will be followed by an open discussion.

Meet the experts:

  • Sergio Fernandez, Senior Expert in LiDAR technology, VALEO
  • Jyri Maanpää, Researcher, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute
  • Petri Manninen, Research Scientist, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute
  • Eren Aksoy, Associate Professor & ROADVIEW coordinator, Halmstad University

The ROADVIEW project is a Horizon Europe Innovation Action funded by the EU, dedicated to developing robust and cost-effective in-vehicle perception and decision-making systems for connected and automated vehicles, ensuring enhanced performance in challenging weather conditions and diverse traffic scenarios.

Join the webinar for this discussion and exchange of knowledge by registering here!