Participate in the EU-funded MODI project survey

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The EU-funded MODI project is conducting a survey to establish scenarios for the adoption of CCAM in logistics. The survey gathers insights from stakeholders in the CCAM and logistics industries to identify likely deployment pathways, bottlenecks and use cases for the technology. These scenarios in turn will provide context to the impact assessment in MODI, which aims to evaluate the system-wide effects of CCAM in logistics from the safety, operational, environmental and socioeconomic perspective.

All actors in CCAM value chain, as well as logistics actors are invited to participate. The survey is available here, and will close on 4 April 2025. Responses are anonymous, and the survey should not take more than 10 minutes.

MODI is a European cross-border initiative to accelerate the introduction of Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility solutions to significantly improve logistic chains. The MODI project will demonstrate automated heavy-haul vehicles use cases on the motorway corridor from Rotterdam in the Netherlands to Moss in Norway, crossing four national borders and establishing terminal operations at four different harbours and terminals en route. In addition to the demonstrations, MODI will provide an impact assessment and sustainable business models, recommendations and best practices for the use of CCAM in the logistics sector.