Interpretation of EU Regulation on the Type Approval of Automated Driving Systems

In 2022, the European Commission adopted the first worldwide legislation concerning the type-approval of the Automated Driving Systems of fully Automated Vehicles, opening the road to their introduction to the European market. Now, the European Commission published a report which is a first interpretation of some among the most innovative aspects of the Regulation. It has been drafted with the active contribution by the experts part of the Automated and Connected Vehicles sub-group of the Working Group on Motor Vehicles (MVWG-ACV). In its final form the report is composed by two parts. A first part of technical interpretation of the regulatory text and a second part composed by six appendixes providing examples and relevant resources to support the operationalization of different aspects of the legislation.
The report is available here: JRC Publications Repository – Interpretation of EU Regulation 2022/1426 on the Type Approval of Automated Driving Systems (