Explore technological and regulatory challenges in deploying CCAM in the SAE Navigating Tomorrow Event

Navigating Tomorrow:​ Urban Mobility's Future Challenges​

On 4 December 2024, in Brussels, will take place the SAE Conference titled “Navigating Tomorrow:​ Urban Mobility’s Future Challenges​”. The conference is organised with the support of NAVISP/ESA and ERTICO.

The full-day event will focus on Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) information, technologies, and solutions crucial for urban mobility. These enable the navigation of autonomous vehicles and enhance the efficiency and safety of various transportation modes, including drones, bikes, scooters, and public transport. PNT technologies ensure precise positioning and localisation, reducing collision risks and optimising road-space usage. They also play a pivotal role in drone navigation for delivery services and aerial surveys. In Mobility Management and MaaS, they provide real-time information on vehicle availability, routes, and schedules. Furthermore, PNT technology in bikes and scooters promotes sustainable micro-mobility solutions through precise location-tracking and navigation assistance. At the same time, public transport systems benefit from improved route optimisation, schedule adherence, and passenger information services. Additionally, timing synchronisation enables tomorrow’s traffic management, ensuring efficient coordination and operation across all urban mobility sectors.

However, as urban mobility evolves, addressing technical and regulatory challenges is essential to adopt PNT-enabled solutions across various transportation modes widely. Collaborative efforts among industry stakeholders are crucial to ensure interoperability, safety, and inclusivity, thus paving the way for a future urban mobility landscape characterised by safety, seamless integration of PNT technologies in mobility, enhanced efficiency, and sustainable practices in a multimodal mobility system.

Through a series of roundtables of discussions with experts, attendees will have the opportunity to engage with industry leaders, introduce their research questions, and help shape the future of urban mobility. Recommendations from each roundtable will be submitted to the relevant EU institutions for consideration.

The CCAM Association will be well represented with its vice-Chairman, Christian Scharnhorst, and our cluster leader 5 Key Enabling Technologies, Margriet Van Schijndel-de Nooij.

The detailed programme and registration form are on the conference page. Please register* as soon as possible, as the number of available spots is limited to 60.

**when registering, you need to create an account first; this necessitates a log-in step.