#EUCAD2025 – Call for Sessions is extended

The Call for Sessions for the EUCAD2025 Conference has been extended till 15 July 2024, 17:00 CEST to allow to welcome additional proposals, in particular those aligned with Topics 1 and 4 below.
Are you industry experts, researchers, and policymakers in the field of CCAM? Do you aspire to make significant advancements in CCAM deployment in road transport and see it flourish?
Then, apply to the Call for Sessions for the #EUCAD2025 Conference, which will be held in Ispra (IT) from 13 to 15 May 2025. You have the chance to organise policy-oriented and technical sessions to discuss specific R&I challenges and opportunities for CCAM.
Take the plunge and organise one of the following sessions to share your insights and gather expertise:
- Integrated mobility in CCAM including Remote Management Operations
- Digital infrastructure and its role to scale up CCAM services
- Key enabling technologies
- Solutions to complement public transport for passengers and goods Peri-urban, rural and long-haul
- Lessons learnt and to be learnt regarding CCAM deployment for passengers and goods
- Societal added value and potential challenges of CCAM
- Out-of-the box
Find out how to apply and what each session entails here. You have until 15 July 2024, 17:00 CEST to apply.
Co-organised by the FAME project, the European Commission and us, the CCAM Partnership, the #EUCAD2005 Conference will serve as a platform for policy-oriented and technical discussions, shedding light on R&I challenges and opportunities for Connected, Cooperative, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) in Europe and beyond!