ERTRAC, 2Zero and CCAM joint position paper on road transport research in FP10

The CCAM Association collaborated with ERTRAC and the 2Zero to deliver a joint position paper on road transport research priorities needed in the framework programme following Horizon Europe, FP10.
It cannot be repeated enough that road transport transformation towards digitalisation and decarbonisation must be supported to defend the sector’s competitiveness and protect the European economic sovereignty.
The Co-Programmed Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) Partnership has proven effective for addressing the specific road transport modernisation challenges. The portfolio of projects it initiated, started delivering concrete impacts. The Partnership created a comprehensive R&I ecosystem by gathering hundreds of members from across Europe and different sectors as well as taking the unique socio-technical approach.
In front of these positive results, the new framework programme must pursue the private-public model regardless of the potential tools implemented and push the model to new heights, with more cross-sector collaborations and expanding the scope of work, closer linking to deployment activities.
The new framework programme needs to be ambitious by putting the necessary and appropriate budgets and tools. It will allow the automotive sector and mobility to remain strong in the future and help Europe achieve its policy objectives, such as climate neutrality and road safety.
Many challenges are ahead, but the upcoming framework programme can find many solutions in our joint position paper. Download the document now to get a better understanding of what they are.