EC Call to input on a common European mobility data space

The European Commission has started to work on a Communication on the creation of a common European mobility data space and is inviting interested stakeholders to provide input.
As stated in the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, with this initiative, the Commission aims to facilitate data access as well as the pooling and sharing of data for more efficient, safe, sustainable and resilient transport. The Communication will describe the main features, supporting measures, objectives, and milestones for the common European mobility data space, as well as a governance system.
This Communication will complement ongoing work to develop common European data spaces in strategic economic sectors and domains of public interest. It will take into consideration the horizontal governance set out in the European data strategy of February 2020.
The common European mobility data space (EMDS) aims to facilitate data access, pooling, and sharing for more efficient, safe, sustainable, and resilient transport. It builds on initiatives and applications related to transport data and will be supported by initiatives to boost interoperability, security, and the availability and provision of data and services.
The envisaged communication will describe the main features, objectives, governance, and milestones of and supporting measures for the EMDS.
You can provide your feedback until 7 December 2022.
Your input will be taken into account as Commission further develops and fine-tunes this initiative. Feedback received will be published on the site of the EC and, therefore must adhere to the feedback rules.