CCAM States Representatives Group (SRG) met in Sweden

In the framework of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the CCAM States Representatives Group (SRG) meeting took place on 16 May in a hybrid format: in Gothenburg and online. Representatives of 21 countries (EU Member States & countries associated to Horizon Europe) attended the meeting.
The meeting agenda was very full. Country representatives discussed the CCAM Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) update, providing their inputs to the CCAM Association who worked on the update up to now. The consultation is still open and the CCAM SRG is expected to provide consolidated feedback in the next weeks.
CCAM national testing procedures were touched upon by one of the CCAM Partnership’s projects: FAME which is currently conducting an analysis of testing procedures and administrative frameworks in place. This topic encouraged lively discussions during which experiences from Horizon2020 projects: L3Pilot and HiDrive were brought up. Also, a representative of the European Commission DG GROW suggested to the CCAM SRG including possible harmonization of testing procedures on the agenda of the next meeting. Such harmonisation could help bridge the gaps between EU countries and support the industry in navigating easier in the CCAM real-life testing environment.
This was followed by some Swedish examples: CCAM Partnership project MODI and the Swedish Ordinance – testing of automated vehicles on public roads in Sweden. MODI will look into different aspects in Sweden: autonomous charging, autonomous loading and unloading, access control, and public roads.
In the afternoon a round table discussion explored the road authorities’ roles and responsibilities in supporting the continued deployment of CCAM. Country representatives were then joined by some industry representatives to confront their opinions about the way forward. Will physical or digital infrastructure investments be needed? will road authorities be expected to provide data? Those were some of the addressed issues.
In the SRG meeting represented were: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey.
The next CCAM SRG meeting will take place in September, in the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union during the FISITA Congress in Barcelona.