CCAM and 2Zero @ #TIMS2022

At the “EU partnership: Technology meeting the users to support urban transitions” session, which took place on 12 October @ the International Mobility Summit (#TIMS2022), Lucie Beaumel from 2Zero challenged the panellists for 45 minutes on how to research and innovation in partnership can support cities in the many challenges faced in regards to urban transitions.
- Wiebke Pankauke, Deputy Head of Unit for Future Urban and Mobility Systems – European Commission
- Armin Gräter, Chair, CCAM Association, Director of Digitalisation and Automated Driving, BMW Group
- Jean-Luc di Paola-Galloni, Vice-Chairman, EGVIAfor2Zero, Group Corporate Vice-President Sustainable Development and External Affairs, Valeo
- Mikael Ivari, Senior Advisor, city of Gothenburg, Urban Transport Administration
Kicked off the discussions by detailing the different tools put in place at EU level to address the challenges of air quality, inclusiveness and safety, namely the “100 climate neutral and smart cities” and the 2Zero and CCAM partnerships, while Mikael Ivari reflected on the expectations from cities to join these initiatives.
The discussions continued around two main areas:
- What can be done on the governance side to accelerate the transitions, how can co-creation support the overall process, how to better involve the users and what is the most relevant scale to act?
- What should be done to properly address the twin transition of decarbonisation and digitalisation by 2030 to reach the objectives of the cities’ mission?
The panellists explained how each party (users, cities, regulators and stakeholders) could get involved and develop solutions to help to roll out innovations and contribute to replication in other cities.
A huge thanks to all four panellists for giving their time and sharing their expertise and views in the session.