Mobility transition pathway – Co-implementation process starts

We need to accelerate the green and digital transition and increase European industry resilience. Following the updated EU Industrial Strategy, the European Commission DG GROW launched the transition pathway for the mobility ecosystem. The mobility ecosystem comprises the entire value chain of the automotive, waterborne, rail and bike industries.
Back in 2022, the EC invited stakeholders to join the co-creation of a transition pathway for the EU mobility industrial ecosystem. Now, the Transition pathway for the EU mobility industrial ecosystem report was published on 26 January 2024. The report includes some 112 specific actions to support the twin transitions and the long-term resilience and competitiveness of the mobility industrial ecosystem. The actions are divided into seven building blocks (R&I and technological solutions as one of them), each representing one key aspect of the transition.
On 29 February 2024, the EC launched the co-implementation process of the mobility transition pathway. Soon, a call will be open to sign pledges. The European Commission will encourage, collect and support public and private stakeholder commitments to ambitious targets through concrete actions to make the green and digital transition of the mobility ecosystem a success.