Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) & other KDT-JU calls

The chip crisis and the global competition in the ECS (Electronics Components and Systems) revealed the need for greater alignment between the automotive and electronics sector. As vehicles become increasingly electric, autonomous, connected, and service-oriented, the importance and market value of vehicle software and hardware is growing at a fast pace, with the rapidly increasing complexity calling for more reuse and standardisation enabled by a software platform (including the operating system and middleware layer) to be developed hand-in-hand with the changing hardware.
As reflected in a new focus topic initiative recently launched by the Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (KDT-JU), European collaboration in a pre-competitive R&I setting would accelerate the emerging trend of increased cooperation and enable fragmentation to be avoided. Following a multi-annual roadmap, KDT-JU starts with:
- a RIA Focus Topic intended to enable the Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) through a Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) (HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-2-RIA-Topic-2),
- & a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) to further define the roadmap, promote a common reference architecture and build the ecosystem, and a future Focus Topic on a high-performance HW platform for the SDV (HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-3-CSA-Topic-3).
Check out all the open KDT-JU calls. The KDT JU Calls for 2023 are open as of 7 February 2023 with the deadline for submissions on 3 May 2023.
KDT JU Public Info Session on the Focus topic on software-defined vehicle platform is planned for 7 March from 9:30-11:30. More information and registration: