New CORDIS Results Pack: Building European capacity for CCAM

CINEA, the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency has just published its new CORDIS Results Pack: Building European capacity for Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility.

This Pack highlights 15 CCAM projects that are delivering outstanding results, driving Europe forward to a safer and more sustainable transport system.

The projects featured in this Pack cover a wide range of work undertaken to facilitate the shift towards CCAM. The AIthena, CONNECT, PoDIUM and SELFY projects all aim to build trust in automated systems through improved data security and transparency.

FAME supports knowledge exchange in the CCAM domain through the development of common methodologies and tools, while models developed by i4Driving, EVENTS and SUNRISE will all help predict how automated systems perform in the real world.

Work by CONDUCTOR and IN2CCAM will support traffic managers in the transition toward automated mobility networks, while Move2CCAM and SINFONICA examined the social impact of this shift.

Finally, advanced technological solutions developed by the Hi-Drive, AWARD and SHOW projects are already being deployed in Europe and beyond.

Discover how EU-funded research is making automated transport a reality!